Wednesday, 8 September 2010

jakuning all the time...=X

fun time during bowling time...=]
i'm the highest mark geh....==
acctually su ping should be the one belanja... lolx
i dont know why suddenly it strike...
and another spare...><
sound so stupid...><
but is true~~

eating a lot of tomato sauce in Nandos...
the chicken is hot... hehee
so the tomato sauce bottle on our table is almost empty...

we sit on the floor...
in the border....
in the garden.... LOLx...
shoe cant find us...heehee
because we are sitting on the floor...
nope is carpet...

art shop...
found somethinfthat are interesting....
which is... NON HALAL paintbrushess...
paint brush also gt non halal geh....

we taking photo at the centre court...
because got orkid festival....
so many orkid...
yi may have a photo shooting...hehe...
can become model !!!

yi may keep saying....
she really less ar....
==... yes! She is....

and we are jakun-ing all the time....><
laughing like no body business....=]
and it is fun~^^v

=]~I do what i like ¸DON'T BLAME ME if there are some thing right that you don't like.... =]

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